... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive

History Happens: K4YFH Bio

de Gary, K4EXT (Apr 2012)

Jimmy Martin, K4YFH was first licensed as Novice KN4YFH in 1960. His first station consisted of a homebrew version of a Globe Scout transmitter running 15 watts. Jimmy's QTH was Bladen County, North Carolina back in those days.

He soon met his XYL-to-be Linda, W4URZ. Jimmy admits to courting her almost every day on 75 meters. Propagation must have been favorable back then as Jimmy and Linda were married in 1963.

Jimmy states that he has always been collecting counties, and is active in most county-related contests including the MARAC CW Contest and the North Carolina QSO Party. He currently has two stars, Bingo, and USA-CW.

Jimmy and Linda's first County Hunting trip was in the New England area in June of 2005. Then in June of 2009, they began a 2-year trip across the USA, with Jimmy putting out counties on both CW and SSB all the while. To date, Jimmy has transmitted from 1091 counties.

The Martins have a very extensive ham family. To start with, Jimmy's father was W4EJR, and Linda's father was W4HKF and her uncle was K4CDG. Then there are brothers KA4TLC, KF4EHC, KG4GMX, AG4BI, and sister W4EJR. Jimmy and Linda's two sons are KB4PJY and W4HKF (formerly KG4ABX). Looking at nephews we have KF4ZIY, N1CKS, KG4SMS, and KG4UMS. Jimmy's brother-in-law is KG4BOT and his sister-in-law is KA4STJ. Ooops ... there's also a Great Nephew, KG4SMT.

The picture below from Wes, NX4C is of Jimmy and Linda visiting The Great Smoky Mountains in the fall of 2011. Nice folks ... nice scenery!

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In Conjunction with MARAC Incorporated