... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive


Nicolas Martschenko (Carteret County, NC)

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Born Nikolaj Martschenko, August 25, 1936 in Nish, Yugoslavia to Ukrainian born parents. Came to the US in December of 1949 from Germany, through New Orleans to Fashing, Texas. Naturalized in 1954 as Nicolas Martschenko in US District Court in Chicago. Attended Lake View High School, University of Chicago. Volunteered for US Army in 1956, honorably discharged in 1959. Retired from IBM in 1998 after 39+ years of service.

Since retirement, reside on the East Coast of North Carolina in Gloucester. Received Technician License in 1961 as K8ZEE ... subsequently let license expire. Re-tested and received Technician license in 2005 as KI4KKN. Through the Vanity call sign program, reacquired my old call sign of K8ZEE. Upgraded to General March of 2006

de K8ZEE

Courtesy K8ZEE (2011)

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