... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive


Paul Ridley (Valencia County, NM)

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I have been licensed since 1976, when I was assigned the call of WD5BTB, which I detested on both cw and phone. I quickly upgraded and received the call of KB5DQ, which I kept for many years. When the vanity program started, I requested only one call, my initials, N5PR. The call had never been issued before.

I am a DX'er at heart, and have worked and confirmed all countries except for SV2/A. Hopefully, it will be on soon. I also chase US counties. I use CW, Phone, PSK31, RTTY on bands 80-10 meters. I primarily work low power, 100 watts and also some QRP.

After 42 years as a locomotive electrician with the Santa Fe Railroad (now the BNSF RR), I am now retired and enjoying my hobbies. My QSL card reminds me of the work I did on these locomotives. If you hear me on the bands, give me a shout, I would love to talk to you.

de N5PR

Courtesy N5PR (2011)

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