... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive


Ed Messenger (Gilmer County, WV)

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I have been a licensed amateur since 1989, actually started as one of the first no-code technicians and worked my way to Extra class by passing all the code requirements. After twenty years, I still enjoy the hobby by staying active in my local ham club (Pioneer Amateur Radio Association) and the local traffic nets.

I really enjoy county hunting and have worked all counties (3,077 in the U.S) in 2003 and closing in on the award for the second time. I enjoy working stations from home as well as running HF mobile.

My station at home is a Kenwood TS-570S, MFJ-986 tuner and a Dentron Clipperton-L amplifier with a 160-10 Carolina Windom and a Cushcraft A3S beam at about 50 feet.

My mobile setup is a Kenwood TS-140S with a Little Tarheel II screwdriver antenna.

I usually run phone, but do tinker with CW a little. Am starting to play with some of the digital modes. I really am interested in PSK but have only listened.

If you need any West Virginia counties, don't hesitate to email me and I'll see what I can do to assist you. 73!

de Ed, N8OYY

Courtesy N8OYY (2011)

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