... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive


Victor Clarence (Sarpy County, NE)

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Vic Clarence, WØGYM, USA-CA #6. Vic was from Bellvue, NE and was my mentor in county hunting. Vic was a retired Electrical business owner and was one of the early pioneers on 40 meters for many years. He had all Collins gear including the 30L1 amplifier.

When I worked for the State of Nebraska I had a number of occasions to travel to Omaha and Bellvue and always tried to visit his shack and work a few new counties. Vic travelled between NE and Florida where he wintered during the winter with his XYL. They had an Airstream travel trailer and he had a mobile rig in his vehicle. All of this was back in 1967 to 1969.

de Mike, NFØN

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