... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive


Larry Gerhardstein (Sanders County, MT)

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I received my first callsign, W7WCC, in 1954 at age 14. My operation then was 40 watt CW and AM. Carl W7TQC, my first Elmer, taught me how to get the license. Between then and now, I became an ET in the U.S. Navy, achieved an Electrical Engineering university degree and an Extra class amateur radio license. I worked as an engineer and computer scientist for 40+ years before retiring to Montana in 2007. At home I operate a K3 and SteppIR 3el. When mobile, a Yaesu 857D.

My introduction to CH nets came from Rich K0RCJ via 2M contact while mobile in Kansas 2007. At first, I transmitted from counties on SSB and CW nets, then began collecting my own about 4 years ago. As of 29-Apr-2015, I need 165 to work and 275 for USA-CA. I am current on "needs." It has been fun, challenging and at times frustrating. If you still need Sanders County, Montana, give me a shout. If you are running counties on MT-200, give me a phone call (see MARAC database), and we'll meet for coffee at The Circle in Plains. Since I began, I've met only two county hunters eyeball-to-eyeball, Jack N7ID and Bob K7TM.

In addition to county hunting, I've dabbled with DX, Oscar satellites and HF digital modes. I have worked the ISS. I've worked about 75 DX countries from my mobile. I'm a member of QCWA, ARRL (60+ years) and MARAC R-4314.

de Larry, W7IN

W7IN on Scenic MT-135 between Saint Regis and Paradise - Courtesy W7IN (2015)

Courtesy W7IN (2015)

W3IZ, W7IN, and N1IKM (SK) at ARRL HQ - Courtesy W7IN (2005)

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