... Ham Radio County Hunting History/Archive

National Convention 2003

South Bend, IN (Jul 16-19)

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The 2003 MARAC National in South Bend started with a bang, literally - but that was not the end of the fireworks. Wednesday evening I was heading from the hospitality area back to my room where I saw a few guys standing by the cars a few rooms from mine. I joined the conversation on mobile antennas and other lies when we hear a thump. K7TED had passed out and fell back against a door and was laying on the sidewalk. Bill is not a young man, and gave us all quite a scare - he kept saying he was OK, but was unable to get upright so we called 911 and he was taken to the hospital. WA4HXG took Opal (Bill's wife) to the hospital and spent most of the night there with them (Thanks Ralph - This is the real ham spirit). All in all, it was determined Bill was suffering from dehydration and low blood pressure - he was released the next day and they left the convention and drove home starting on Friday

Joyce ran the hospitality suite and as usual there was a bunch of munchies and plenty of liquid to consume. K1DFO kept throwing bowls of high calorie stuff in our faces as soon as we stopped talking ... Kent brought a bunch of salmon (he claims to have caught it himself, sure and he heard that 22 also) ... most people just hung around the Holidrome and that is what its all about - renewing old acquaintances and meeting others for the first time.

Bill/K2NJ, Roadrunner Aug 2003

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